Thursday, January 7, 2010

Let's start things off nice.

Anyone who knows me knows that sarcasm is one of my favorite things. I also enjoy insulting the stupid people/things that exist in the world and often wonder 'what the hell was that person thinking'. Additionally Jadd Naamani's blog sometimes gets it wrong and I feel like my comments aren't being heard. So, I decided it was time to stop arguing with him via text and aim and start doing it for all to read.
Thus my blog was born. Have a stupid question? Stuck in some weird high school meets office fling meets pizza delivery boy porn fantasy type situation and wanna know what you should do? Think Jadd is talking out of his ass again and want some real advice? Send me an email: and let me know what's bugging you. I'll do my best to put you on the right (or wrong) track.


  1. Keep up the smack talk and you're gonna get a dropkick square to the clitoris.

  2. Dropkick is not on the list of things you want to do to my clitoris.
